Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Frost – Cleopatra Entertainment (Blu-ray)

Theatrical Release Date: USA, 2022
Director: Brandon Slagle
Writers: James Cullen Bressack, Robert Thompson
Cast: Vernon Wells, Devanny Pinn, Venus DeMilo Thomas

Release Date: October 11th, 2022
Approximate Running Time: 80 Minutes 16 seconds
Aspect Ratio: 2.35:1 Widescreen / 1080 Progressive / MPEG-4 AVC
Rating: NR
Sound: Dolby Digital 5.1 English, Dolby Digital Stereo English
Subtitles: N/A
Region Coding: Region Free
Retail Price: $24.95

"A young woman, Abby (Devanny Pinn, Ride Along 2) and her estranged father Grant (Vernon Wells, Commando) fight to survive after being stranded on a remote mountainside during a winter storm." - synopsis provided by the distributor

Video: 3.75/5

Frost comes on a 25 GB single layer Blu-ray.

Disc Size: 18.1 GB

Feature: 14.8 GB

The source used for this transfer is in great shape. Colors and flesh tones look correct, the image looks crisp, black levels fare well, and compression is good.

Audio: 4/5 (Dolby Digital 5.1 English, Dolby Digital Stereo English)

This release comes with two audio options, a Dolby Digital 5.1 mix in English and a Dolby Digital stereo mix in English. Both audio mixes sound clear, balanced and robust when they need too. This release comes with no subtitles.


Extras for this release include a trailer for Frost (1 minute 14 seconds, Dolby Digital stereo English), a slideshow, a CD with the soundtrack, and seven unrelated trailers for films also released by Cleopatra Entertainment.


Frost is a story about a dysfunctional family—a father and his estranged pregnant daughter—who are reconnecting after years of being apart. Shortly after the daughter's arrival, their new found bond is tested when the car they’re in crashes. Unable to free his daughter from the wreckage, the father is forced to leave her alone and go on foot in search of help.

Despite the fact that these two characters receive the most screen time, Frost is essentially a one-character story, with the bulk of the screen time going to the daughter trapped in the car, pregnant with a child. How far will she go to protect her child or herself?

As mentioned before, there are only two characters who have substantial screen time: Vernon Wells (Weird Science) in the role of the father, and Devanny Pinn (The Lonely Ones) in the role of the daughter. Though Vernon Welles delivers a very good performance, it is Devanny Pinn’s remarkable performance that carries Frost.

From a production standpoint, Frost is a film that does a superb job of maximizing its resources. The premise is well-executed, the narrative does a fantastic job maintaining the mounting tension, and an ending that is to be seen to be believed is a satisfying conclusion to the events that preceded. Another strength is the visuals and how effectively they showcase the snow-covered landscapes. Ultimately, Frost is a riveting thriller that far exceeds expectations.

Frost gets a strong audio/video presentation, but the extras are light, with the only substantial extra being a CD with a soundtrack.

Written by Michael Den Boer

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