Monday, January 25, 2021

When I started 10kbullets seventeen years ago, I never imagined that 10kbullets would have lasted this long. That said, over the years it's been an incredible journey that introduced me to a variety of films I would have otherwise never sought out.

Though I never set an end for 10kbullets. Unfortunately, there comes a time when all things come to an end. Far too often real-life intervenes and now is the right time for 10kbullets to exit stage left. It has been an immense pleasure spreading the word about cinema that often gets overlooked. Also, I would like to thank everyone who’s ever supported 10kbullets. 

Adela Has Not Had Supper Yet: Standard Edition – Deaf Crocodile (Blu-ray) Theatrical Release Date: Czechoslovakia, 1978 Director: Oldrich ...