Wednesday, September 15, 2021

 Live Like a Cop, Die Like a Man – Raro Video (Blu-ray)

Theatrical Release Date: Italy, 1976
Director: Ruggero Deodato
Writers: Fernando Di Leo, Alberto Marras, Vincenzo Salviani
Cast: Marc Porel, Ray Lovelock, Adolfo Celi, Franco Citti, Silvia Dionisio, Marino Masé, Renato Salvatori, Sofia Dionisio, Alvaro Vitali

Release Date: October 13th, 2020
Approximate Running Time: 96 Minutes 30 seconds
Aspect Ratio: 1.85:1 Widescreen / 1080 Progressive / MPEG-4 AVCC
Rating: NR
Sound: DTS-HD Mono Italian, DTS-HD Mono English
Subtitles: English (Italian language)
Region Coding: Region Free
Retail Price: $29.99

"Never before in film history have we seen such nihilistic and pathological behavior from protagonists, who in this film happen to be two policeman: Alfredo (Marc Porel) and Antonio (Ray Lovelock) members of an anti-crime squad who shoot down their assailants even before they have committed a crime." - synopsis provided by the distributor

Video: 3.75/5

Here’s the information given about the transfer, “new HD transfer”.

Live Like a Cop, Die Like a Man comes on a 50 GB dual layer Blu-ray.

Disc Size: 29.4 GB

Feature: 21.2 GB

The source used for this transfer is in excellent shape. Colors look correct, image clarity and black levels look strong throughout. Overall this is one of Raro Video’s stronger transfers that’s not hampered by egregious digital noise reduction.

Audio: 4/5

This release comes with two audio options, a DTS-HD mono mix in Italian and a DTS-HD mono mix in English. Both audio mixes sound, clean, clear, balanced and robust when it needs too. Included with this release are removable English subtitles for the Italian language track.


Extras for this release include English language trailer for Live Like a Cop, Die Like a Man (4 minutes 11 seconds, Dolby Digital mono English, no subtitles), a making of documentary titled Crime Busters (41 minutes 55 seconds, Dolby Digital stereo Italian with English subtitles), a slipcover and four-page leaflet with an essay about Live Like a Cop, Die Like a Man, a biography and filmography for Ruggero Deodato.


With a title like Live Like a Cop, Die Like a Man, it is not surprising that this film is one of the more violent entry’s to emerge out of the Poliziotteschi genre. Right from the get go this film establishes a brutal tone that not only sustains throughout, it actually escalates to a fever pitch by the film’s explosive conclusion.

Whether it be the film’s lengthy motorcycle chase that opens the film or the way this film’s to main characters Anthony and Alfredo, who quickly resolve a hostage situation. Pacing is never an issue as things move along at a break neck pace. There is an immediacy to Anthony and Alfredo’s actions that makes the things they do all the easier to digest. Sure they don’t exactly play by book, but then those who they are taking down don’t have a total disregard for law and order.

Narrative wise, though the plot is fairly routine cops verse thugs. It is the way Anthony and Alfredo approach their job that sets this film apart when compared to other Poliziotteschi films. Another key ingredient to why this film has such an enduring legacy, is the way it depicts brutality of screen. Instead of bringing suspects, they torture and in some cases break their neck. And when trying to get information from a female suspect, they use their place a law enforcement officers to gain sexual favors. And while there’s never a shortage of violence that erupts on-screen, most of which gets directed towards human suspects. There is a scene in two suspects being chased by Anthony and Alfredo run over a blind man’s seeing eye dog. Had this been just about any other director this scene would not be a disturbing. A few years later Ruggero Deodato would direct what is arguably one of the most controversial film’s in Italian history, the aforementioned Cannibal Holocaust. A notorious film know for it’s cruel depiction of animal’s being tortured to death.

Performance the is not a single performance that is lacking. The chemistry between Marc Porel (Don’t Torture a Duckling) and Ray Lovelock (Oasis of Fear) is without a doubt this film greatest asset. Regrettably a proposed sequel would never materialize. It would be interesting to see where they went with these characters. Two other performances of note include Adolfo Celi (Danger: Diabolik) in the role of the boos of the anti-crime squad and Renato Salvatori (Rocco and His Brothers) in the role of Roberto Pasquini, a.k.a. Bibi, the crime boss that the anti-crime squad are desperate to find and take down.

Live Like a Cop, Die Like a Man gets a strong release from Raro Video that comes with an insightful extra, recommended.

Written by Michael Den Boer

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